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If mentioning varicose veins Many people probably even shook their heads in a row. Because no matter where it happens, it will bully to lose confidence in them But nowadays, technology has advanced. Causing a product to come out to solve this problem Whether it is a dietary supplement or a cosmetic product All of them help restore confidence to the girls quite a bit, so we would like to introduce one of the extracts that will help heal veins, that is. Grape seed extract How outstanding will you be? Must follow and see

Causes of varicose veins

Sitting or standing for a long time are all factors that can cause varicose veins. But the main cause is from the blood vessels and the open and closed in the veins are incomplete, deterioration, thus causing congestion Usually, when the heart pumps red blood to the organs, the oxygenated blood is returned to the purification process. Some blood vessels that are not strong will not be able to return the blood back to normal. Therefore there is a congestion of blood It makes us see varicose veins as red, purple, green veins on the body itself.

Does grape seed extract really help heal varicose veins?

The grape seed contains Flavonoids, an important substance “Proanthocyanidin: OPC”, an extract rich in natural phytochemicals. Help fight free radicals It is able to stay in the bloodstream for longer than other antioxidants and also reduces the intensity of the darkened skin. Thus making the skin look radiant, including being a hero, contributing to varicose veins problems By inhibiting the destruction of collagen Makes the skin and veins healthy Slender legs come back smooth. Restore moisture to the skin as well. Therefore, the grape seed extract is popular to be applied in the cosmetic and dietary industries.

Varicose veins treatment

Currently, there are many treatments for varicose veins. Whether it is laser surgery, some chemicals are injected into a vein. However, the most popular method is probably the use of cosmeceutical products to provide relief. Outside of which to see results as well, it is also safer than all of the methods mentioned above, sure enough.