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It is believed that many women are troubled by the problem of varicose veins. In addition to making our legs look unattractive, it is impossible to wear skirts or shorts to show off your legs. It was also followed by leg pain that no matter how you stand, sit or walk, this pain will not go away. Frustrating, isn’t it? But now we have herbs that will help heal varicose veins and it is asiatic asiatic.

Causes of varicose veins

Varicose veins are caused by venous or valve conditions. Causing the blood to not be able to return to the heart at all The blood then stays in the blood vessels and grows into varicose veins. It was found that women have a higher risk of developing the disease than males. Due to hormonal changes As a result, the vascular muscle walls loosen until the vascular valve malfunctions


There is a lot of research to confirm that Centella asiatica helps to treat varicose veins as well. In a trial with Centella asiatica with swelling and inflammation from varicose veins, it was found that 8 out of 10 people had symptoms of angina and inflammation. Make the circulatory system work better. Have good blood flow The aneurysm has collapsed due to triterpenoid. (Triterpenoid) helps reduce blood clots, it also contributes to increase efficiency in vein circulation. Prevent and reduce the occurrence of varicose veins. It also helps connect damaged tissues.

Varicose veins treatment

Currently, there are products that extract the extract from Asiatic leaves in various forms. Both internal and external drugs to be used together. With the excellent properties of varicose veins that many women use as an alternative to surgery. Convenient and safe Do not worry about chemicals. Although it may take more time to heal But it will not adversely affect our body in the long run for sure. In addition, exercise should also be performed to strengthen the blood vessels. This will end the problem of varicose veins. So much of my heart anyway.